
Sunday, November 14, 2010


Want To Keep Up With My Offers & Sales?
Add The Facebook Fan Page!

Click To Like So That You Can Stay Up To Date :)!
(Do NOT Snag!)

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Blinkie Boxes & Textures:

Hex Code Color Chart:

Textures, Icons, Styles, PSDs, Images, Patterns:





Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Prices are LISTED on the items!!

Colors/Words can change for some (graphic will state as such)!!

Paypal fees are NOT included in the price!!

Link To Graphics:

Thank You!
(Do NOT Snag!)


How To Save Your Graphic:

CLICK on image to be taken to your graphic...once there just SAVE/DOWNLOAD to YOUR OWN computer/laptop!!

COMMENT HERE to let me know that you have picked up YOUR graphic with:
-Pick Up Name (first name last initial)
-Love (optional)

If you do NOT see your graphic here it was either NOT filled out properly or you didn't pick up your current graphic...Do NOT message me about it...Thank You!!

Struggling With Infertility...Posted July 26th...Thank You!!

Angela W.

True Blood...Posted July 20th...Comment When Snagging & Please Leave Your Pick Up Name...Thank You!

Dusty V.

Perfect Catch...Posted June 16th...Comment When Snagging & Please Leave Your Pick Up Name...Thank You!

Amanda S.

Since 2 Became 1...Posted May 9th...Comment When Snagging & Please Leave Your Pick Up Name...Thank You!

Bianca C.

Thank You!
(Do NOT Snag!)


You MUST read & FOLLOW these at ALL times in order to request my offers!!

1. Manners are a MUST so please use PLEASE & THANK YOU'S!!

2. My family & my health come 1st before this site (I have some severe health issues) so do NOT rush me or ask me when your graphics will be done!!

3. Do NOT remove my watermark from my graphics...this is a BIG no no as my graphics are copyrighted!!

4. Do NOT ALTER, JOCK, or STEAL my graphics in any way shape or form this INCLUDES cropping for display images!!
This DOES NOT include watermarks that have been purchased...with those you receive a white copy & a black copy on a transparent may re-size to fit your need(s) & change the occupancy of the image with a PERMISSION STATEMENT from ME!!

5. I work hard on these so please do NOT use any text talk/type like [tysvm or pls NOTHING like that] doesn't take much to type the words out :)! If you continue to do so your requests WILL be denied & you WILL NOT be allowed to request from me!!

6. You are ONLY allowed 1 graphic per person unless it states otherwise or you have paid for them!!

7. This is a DRAMA FREE check that crap at the door (my health can literally NOT take it) they say SAVE THE DRAMA FOR YOUR MAMA!!

8. I do NOT accept the following photos:
*Nudity (will accept kiddies age 3 & under in tub but "parts" must be covered) I will NOT budge on this!!
*If you leave me the following photos I am NOT responsible for how your graphic turns NOT come complaining to me that it doesn't look as good...remember it was YOU that submitted the photo:
-cell phone
-poor quality
-too small

9. You have 3 WARNINGS to PICK UP your tag from the day they are posted...if NOT picked up they will be DELETED (If asked I will hold tags if you need to go out of town IF you ask me 1st but you may NOT request till you are back & able to pick them up)!!

10. If you get 3 TAGS DELETED you will be NO LONGER ALLOWED to request from me!!

11. Read ALL information needed under each tag...if you DO NOT give me ALL information needed you will be SKIPPED!!

12. When I offer specific tags like love or child or single etc...ONLY request the tags that pertain to YOU...(example: if a love tag is offered & you are single DO NOT request it save it for someone that is in a relationship & could really use it)...this does NOT count for paying customers!!

13. DO NOT request my graphics if you do not plan on using them...if I see this happening you WILL NO LONGER be allowed to request from takes time & money to make these for you!!

14. DO NOT request for other people...if they would like a graphic from me THEY need to request for themselves!!

15. DO NOT tag other people in their is NOT your responsibility to make sure they are picking up on time it is theirs!!

****These rules are subject to change whenever I see fit!!**** 
Welcome aboard!
(Do NOT Snag!)